Tailored. To fit your needs.

Our Subscription Leasing Options

Discover Our Subscription and Leasing Options: Individual Solutions for Your Business with VAPO D'OR

Subscription Leasing Options

At VAPO D’OR, we understand that every company has individual needs. That’s why we offer not only innovative products for hygiene and scent marketing but also customized subscription and leasing models that adapt to your requirements.

Your benefits at a glance:

Our Purchase, Subscription, and Leasing Offers

Typhoon Fogger

Discover our flexible options for purchasing, subscribing to, or leasing the Typhoon Fogger. Whether you want to use it long-term or just rent it temporarily – we offer you a variety of possibilities tailored exactly to your needs. Learn about the different models and choose the variant that best suits your company.

vapodor Fogger 1800x2250px 15 Subscription Leasing Options

Typhoon Fogger

Savings Subscription

Art.-No. 1002TFAA
95.00 € *
+ 750 € one-time payment
+ 9 € monthly service fee
plus VAT and shipping

Typhoon Fogger

Super Savings Subscription

Art.-No. 1002TFAB
85.00 € *
+ 1 € one-time payment
+ 9 € monthly service fee
plus VAT and shipping

Typhoon Fogger


Art.-No. 1001TFL
97.50 € *
+ 1,485 € one-time payment
+ 9 € monthly service fee
plus VAT and shipping

Typhoon Fogger


Art. No. 1000TFV
4,375.00 € *
plus VAT and shipping
Are you interested in additional subscription leasing options?
Your award-winning partner!
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*Logos shown here apply to individual disinfection products from VAPO D'OR. We will gladly send you all available tests upon request.
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